m-e-r-d-e-k-a...does anyone of us really understand the meaning? either myself. for me merdeka is when i go out celebrate-partying the eve-night anywhere with friends, saying merdeka to each other, go home at the early morning and sleep like a pig (cos its holiday). i dont really bother when, why, how, what is merdeka! maybe because im living in a modern-tech world. hey! please dont misunderstand what im trying to say here. dont tell me that u're so patriotisms and say "bloody shit this girl know nothing bout merdeka!". say whatever u like but i bet u dont really know what is merdeka too. youths love to party so do i. that is the only reason why there are so many events and parties on merdeka eve. as i grow up, slowly i can understand that merdeka have a huge meaning actually. so, im trying to appreciate merdeka now. so, how bout u guys? what does u define MERDEKA?

when we starting to feel unsafe to live in our country, living in fears, the bombs are everywhere, people killing each other, no mercy, we left out alone, families and friends are leaving us to safe themselves, when we cant trust no one, country taken by others, no food, no drink, no home, no clothes, no freedom, no party...until then, are we realised that all this time we had neglected our country
(although we always said we love malaysia,but what does we contribute?).
adakah masa tu baru kita nak hargai kemerdakaan dan negara malaysia?
as a malaysian, i must say im proud to be one. but are we truly, fully, sincerely proud? at least, i'd never ask myself why am i not an any other citizen?

i better stop the craps here.