Restrictedly NO COPY of any part in this blog. Any confusions, please forward your issue(s) at wawaiskandar@yahoo.com or just continue reading.

Monday, December 21, 2009

aku cakap aku tak nak la!

aku adalah aku.
engkau biarkan engkau menjadi engkau.
aku tak pernah ingin menjadi engkau.
engkau pun tak perlulah menjadi aku.

aku tetap begini.
engkau tetaplah engkau bagaimana pun seadanya engkau.
aku tak heran dan aku tak peduli.
aku tak ingin dan aku tak de kisah.

biarpun aku hodoh, engkau cantik.
biarpun aku gemuk gedempol, engkau kurus kering.
biarpun aku tak punya ape, engkau kaya gile.
biarpun aku pendek, engkau tinggi lampai.
aku tetap mahu menjadi aku.
aku tak nak menjadi engkau.
kerna aku sudah tau engkau memang manusia tak best.

biarlah aku begini, engkau begitu.
kehidupan aku tak berkisar dengan kehidupan engkau pun.
aku bangga menjadi aku walau aku tidak sempurna.
aku tidak punya ati seperti engkau.
aku tidak perlu berpura-pura menjalani kehidupan.
engkau tentunya tidak bangga menjadi engkau.
kerna engkau punya kehidupan yang penuh plastik.

aku malas berpikir lagi (jam sudah  0447hrs)
engkau pikirlah pasal engkau.
tak perlu engkau pening pikirkan pasal aku lagi.
biarkan hanya aku yang memikirkan pasal aku.

selamat tahun baru walaupun sudah 3 hari berlalu.
tanamkan azam (aku tak pernah punya 1 pun)
pikirlah positif walau diri ditimpa perkara-perkara negatif.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

mari pakai kasut ku

gelisah betul dua tiga menjak ni bila pikir kenapa lah aku tak nampak colors kat pelangi tu.
kadang-kadang sang matahari terpacak pun aku masih terasa gelap.
rasa nak tikam-tikam je diri ini bagi sedar siket yang masa telah lama meninggalkan aku.
time waits for no man. we have to chase after it.

kadang-kadang terpikir gak nape cepat sgt masa berlari?
belum pun puas atau siap menunaikan sesuatu sudah terasa sempit waktunya.
bile ade kelapangan kenapa sering leka?

ish! bile tgk kawan-kawan hati kecil mula rasa jeles mahu seperti mereka.
tapi bile pikir-pikir balik nape kita tak pernah bersyukur atau puas dengan ape yang kita ade?
jadi, tak jadi lah nak jeles kerna mungkin! (diulangi : mungkin) ramai lagi yang jeles dengan ku.
itu satu kebarangkalian.

nape terasa kosong.
seperti ade yang tak cukup.
nape terasa sepi.
seperti ade yang tak cukup menghiburkan.
hidop tak selalunya berwarna-warni.
kadang-kadang pun berwarna itam atau kelabu taik anjing kan?

bila nak tido mesti berpikir ape yang akan jadi di hari esok.
bila bangun tido mesti rasa cam tak puas tido dan mau bermimpi itu lagi.
bila tak boleh tido mesti pikiran celaru pikir itu ini.

macam-macam aku pikir.
pasal idop, pasal mati, pasal kehidupan sekarang dan masa depan.
pasal ko, pasal aku, pasal dia, pasal mereka dan semua.
pasal benda kecik sehingga benda besar seperti masalah negara misalnye.

ish..jiwa ini kacau betol lah.

ko rasa tak ape aku rasa?
kalo ko nak rasa ape aku rasa, marilah pakai kasut ku.


Friday, December 18, 2009

guys should know

is it the world that mean?

life aint easy

what and where should i start?

these past few weeks/months are the most struggle weeks/months of all.
lotsa things had happened to me continuously. neither bad or good.

and the emotions also take part and make things more miserable and perfect enough for me.
then come the lack of professionalism by a particular person.

but the joyous are still there in each single days.
my life wouldn't be complete without laughter, smiles and dont forget the tears.

okie okie..stop the craps.

Chapter 1 
seriously,i cant stand dramas,stalkers and pretenders.
so, please dont pretend to be nice with me today and spit on me face tomorrow. WTF!
im not looking for a friend or anybody like that. its better for me to have none.
we are all grown up (in fact, u're much much older than me) but why we still cant use our tiny brain?

in order to make people love u, care for u, respect u, u should love,care and respect yourself and others too.
i might not be the appropriate person to talk to u bout life but i believe each of us have own experiences .
no matter what the differences experiences we had face, it still helps us to be more mature aite?
i dont think u have much friends in real (except your maya friends).
i also know that u're faking ur life everyday. (look at yourself!!).
i've been nice with u and i never expect that u could do this to me.
i lost my respect onto u.
i also lost my trust in u.
not only me, every bodies feel exact the same.
so, i guess i should stop being so nice with u.

i know im bit nasty and loud after what you've done to me.
im maybe loud but im proud that i am what i am that im not similar to u.
im aware that i shouldnt do that since u dont know how to differentiate between personal and business and u also have the power that u always claim u have and capable to do anything to me that could affects my future.
but,seriously i cant stand it anymore.
u are so damn sarcastic that no one can take it.

they and i are supposedly look up to u,respect u but we're not yet we're afraid.
its u that turn us to treat u this way.
yes, its u! speaks to others and u'll get the same answer.
no one's perfect, i know but they are practicing cos practice make perfect. 
but u?? cakap tak serupa bikin.
stop the lame, fake, stupid dramas, drama queen!
tolong jangan gedik! ko lebih tua dan sebab ko kan nak sgt org respect ko!

paku dulang paku serpih,
cakap orang, ko yang lebih.

keep in your mind that dont ever think that we donno what we supposed to know!
people have eyes, ears, brain and feeling too!

Chapter 2 
i've been snatched bout a month ago. (exactly 2months after i bought that bag)
right here at neighborhood area witnessed by few people but none of them are willing to help me.
my favorite bag putus, ok!
and my b already sent it back to the boutique as i asked and i hope they can fix it.
but they are not sure yet.
and i totally dont care if the bag dah cacat pun i still want to use it!
because  it is purple in color,y'all!!

Chapter 3
 i need a break.
i need a vacation.
i need a holliday.
i need have to get off of here.
i need have to release the tense.
i need have to be away from here.
i need have to be anywhere else but here.
just me and myself. no one else. (but not u)
do u hear me?? get me out from here.
seroiusly these tenses have make me crazy, unthinkable, irrational, less kind at heart!


Tuesday, December 01, 2009


aku tau kamu sudah changed! aku tau..aku tau!

Monday, November 16, 2009

jiwa kacau

selamat tinggal semua

i am nobody, so dont get carried away with me..

Friday, November 13, 2009


wawa just took Psychology Personality quiz.

Dear Wawa Iskandar, below are your PSYCHOLOGY PERSONALITY test result:

You love the crowd... a party animal! Too many “friends”, you can’t easily tell which among them is real and not...

You’re usually expressive... Open about your emotions and most of... the time willing to talk about it.

You search for love... you’re a hopeless romantic and every time you enter a relationship, you give your all and believe “this is the One.”

You appreciate simple things in life... You hate complicating things that’s why you’re typically up-front in any aspect.

You’re an ideal boyfriend/girlfriend... You don’t care if your partner doesn’t really love you as long as you love him/her. You give your all...

You’re intimidating! People have an impression that you’re elite—or if not, you simply look sophisticated. You gain praises but not companions.

You’re independent! You’re also risky just like the bajaken who sail in the vast and dangerous ocean to look for treasures!

Monday, November 02, 2009


i am damn so happy!


izuddin my love, i love u more!

leh lah gi shopping lagi dan lagi dan lagi!!
nak itu, nak itu dan nak itu jugak!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

kau sape?

kalo ko rasa ko bukan kawan aku, ko tak payahlah sibuk² nak baca blog aku then kumpul puak reramai mau bikin dosa kasik umpat aku kaw² kat belakang.

aku tau tapi aku malas kecoh.

kalo rasa ko bukan kawan aku tapi mau mengstalk aku kerna ko rasa ko lebih bagus dari aku TANPA ada rasa nak umpat aku, aku tidak menjadikan itu satu hal.

kalo ko rasa ko kawan aku tapi nak ceroboh life aku dan menjadikan setiap pergerakan aku satu issue yang bagus untuk diumpat, aku rasa tak payah ko nak bazir masa ko.

kalo ko rasa ko kawan aku yang hanya mau mengetahui kehidupan aku untuk bertanya khabar dan menyambung hubungan kekawanan, dengan hati yang luas terbuka aku sangat² menghargainya.

kalo ko rasa ko kawan aku tapi malas nak kawan ngan aku, ko click kat 'x' yang berada di penjuru kanan atas setiap kali ko rasa 'wawa iskandar' mengannoyingkan ko.

kalo ko rasa ko kawan aku tapi benci aku, ko tak payah gi google atau yahoo dengan menekan butang search 'wawa iskandar'

ko gi lah cari blog org lain sebab nanti ko sakit ati baca blog aku. sekian.

mintak maap. aku emo siket kerna tak gune ade kawan camni. tambah lagi aku baru dapat satu sms yang menyakitkan ati. WTK!

happy halloween

nurse and wonder woman, here i'll be
happy halloween, everyone!
get ur ass up and collect the candies!

Friday, October 30, 2009

dah cukup atau nak stalk lagi?

dah cukup atau nak stalk lagi?
stalk lah aku puas²
org takde keje je suke stalk life org lain.
ish..ish..walau aku tak campur ko tak bermaksud aku nak rasa tergugat ngan ko atau life engko.
jadi jgn perasan aku nak jadi cam ko!
my life lagi hebat dari dulu sampai sekarang dari life ko ntah dari ceruk hulu mane dtg.
dah mcam culture shock pun ade aku tgk!
ish..ish..aku dah lalui sume kehidupan begitu..
dah merasa lebih ekstrem dari itu pun..
tapi tak perlu kecoh.
cukup sape yg tau saje.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

aku bosan begitu

boleh tak korang tolong jangan menyusahkan hidop aku?
kenapa? bagaimana? pasal apa?
kenapa korang yang selalu melakukan kesalahan, aku yang menjadi tempat pemakian mereka²?

boleh tak kalau nak buat ape² kesalahan tu jangan sampai aku menjadi mangsa?

tolong! tolong!

aku bosan begini.
semua sudah besar.
ada otak, jadi fikir!

sampai bila aku harus terus berdiam?
hanya kerna aku tidak suka pertelingkahan?
hanya kerna aku tidak suka bermasam muka?

jadi, kau fikir kau boleh wat sesuka ati?

tolong! tolong!

disiplin kan diri..bukan bermaksud skema..
disiplin bukan bermaksud nerd..
disiplin bukan bermaksud konservatif..
but professional!

hidup perlu disiplin supaya aku tak lagi menjadi mangsapemakian buta² gara² ko.
supaya aku tak perlu menjadi seperti dolphin yang cute tapi semakin pupus kerna perbuatan org lain.

fikirlah..kita tak perlu untuk memplease org lain kerna ia sukar tapi cukup sekadar untuk menyedarkan diri agar kita tidak akan mendatangkan kesusahan pada org² yang tidak bersalah, tidak terbabit..

aku bosan begitu.
jadi, ko tolong belajar menyempurnakan diri.

p/s : peringatan kerna ko masih kawanku..nasihat kerna ku tak mahu ko di tegur org lain yang boleh membuat ko malu.

Monday, October 19, 2009

terima kasih orang gile

gile btol org gile itu kerna berjaya membuat ku gile.

tapi sumpah! ko lebih gile kerna tersekat di dlm tubuh org tua yg rasa matang tapi sebenarnya tak dan baru saja mengenal dunia.

terima kasih org gile.
tgu episod ke2

owh..please stop!

i need u so badly right now
i miss ya damn so much
need ya..need ya
where are u?
why i dont feel u?
why are u doing this to me.
stop! stop! hurting me!
stop! stop!
i just wanna back to our time like before
stop! please stop doing these such hurt-a-lots-things to me.
owh..please stop!


ku berserah hanya padaMu Allah...
tersentap dgn kematian kawan..terpikir betapa pendeknye idop kita di dunia..
tapi mengapa sering lalai?
mengapa sering leka?
mengapa masih dibuai dosa?
kadang² kita bukan leka tapi saja melahirkan dosa..
semoga rohnya aman disana dan ditempatkan dengan org² yang dikasihiNya..
semoga Dayang Fatiha Amanda (her daughter) yg baru berusia 4 tahun tabah dan menjadi sekuat ibunya ketika masih ada hayat..berakhir segala penderitaan yg di tanggung ketika umo masih sgt muda..sgt muda untuk dugaan idop seberat yg di tanggung...
al fatihah..aminn

AL- Fatihah
may AMANDA will get so much love from her grandpa,grandma..
aduyai..sian btol budak kecik tu..tak tau pape yg mama dia dah gone,
bapak pulak useless..ni ade pulak anak baru ngan bini baru..ermmm

Thursday, October 08, 2009

trust no one!

my heart is going to pop..
my mind is going to explode..

hi,fake friends..hello,pretenders..
sorry,muffin..byebye,kind hearted..

"serioushit i dont have any idea that u could be the duri dalam daging..myclose friend may could turn out to be my worst enemy..with those sweet words, muka suci, innocence eyes..i just cant believe u're the mastermind! Owh,life is great!"

just leave me alone, lil jinx!


Saturday, September 26, 2009


What do Your Eyes Say About You?

When people look into your eyes, they see pure innocence.

Your eyes sparkle and you like to flaunt them, and often use them to manipulate people.

You're a kind-hearted ...and intellectual person that loves being loved and getting attention, but others don't see that you can sometimes be defensive and aggressive when you don't get your way.

You're really not as innocent as some people think!

eid 2009




Thursday, September 17, 2009

dare to care?


Tuesday, September 08, 2009

broken inside

here i am once again im torn into millions pieces.
cant pretend, cant deny.
just thought u were the one.
seem like just yesterday u were a part of me.
i used to stand so tall, i used to be so strong.
ur arms around me tight.
everything felt so right.
unbreakable like nothing could go wrong.
broken heart deep inside.

Friday, September 04, 2009


1. ALWAYS write 'MAKKAH' but NEVER write 'mecca' coz 'mecca MEANS house of wine'...

2. ALWAYS write 'MUHAMMAD' but NEVER write 'mohd' coz 'mohd MEANS dog with a big mouth'...

3. ALWAYS write ALLAH s.w.t' but NEVER EVER WRITE '4jji' coz '4jji' IS FOR judas jesus isa almasih...

4. prkataan BYE adlh jarum sulit kristian yg bermksud DIBWH NAUGAN POPE...

5. JGN gnekn A'KUM sbb ia bermksud BINATANG DLM BHS YAHUDI..

6. SEMEKON plak brmksd CELAKA KAMU

7. Jd gunakan prkataan SALAM sbg singktn bg assalammualaikum tp SEBAIKNYA gunaknlah ASSALAMUALAIKUM wbt


#TOLONG SEBARKAN..klu nk beli ALQURAN..yg dicetak edisi bru..hati2..cuz ade yg palsu

JGN sesekali LAYARI
http://www.thequran.com...... (x)

coz sume isi laman tu palsu..

Thursday, September 03, 2009


u're such a loser! get your fcuking face out of me, moron! just let me go and i'll be much happier. there are nothing to be waited anymore. we're done. u hate me, i hate u..so? get the shit out of my way. i've tried,i've sacrified alot these past 3 years while u were doing nothing. so? whats best for me is whats good for u.

im bleeding, deeply hurt inside while im laughing outside.
"dont love the love that hurts
dont hurt the love that loves"

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Wawa Iskandar shouts out loud on his face : shut up and let me go! Im in pain,u dont care..im tired of crying..please let me be happy..just go..im so give up on u and thats y i'd totally changed and keeps myself bz than sleep in ur arms..i cant stand it anymore..

Saturday, August 29, 2009

wawa vs fyza

we're having fun on fb talking, whining, bebeling, blaming others on our fb.

on her profile :

Fyza Meor
Fyza Meor
i pakai je ans b um ajer..hahaha wtf..mau beli suar koyak di lutut yakni sm spt robeknya hati..heheh..mengapa m au keta wa sdgkn hati ini sgt lara..poyosan! mengapakah aku ini?

Wawa Iskandar
Wawa Iskandar
hahahaha..kepoyosan di kala ati terobek mmg sgt terserlah..laughter is the best medicine..so, lets make an appointment with clowns or jokers
Fyza Meor
wtf. .rs nk je tikam clown itu dgn pensil tekan 2B..kamu pengubat duka sygku..
p.s : do not mention anytin could be suspicious to da -org-yg-spttnya-bsyukur-tt
pi tidak..hahaha..apaku ckp nih
Wawa Iskandar
ok ie..sib baik nak tikan ngan pensel 2b..i nak tikam ngan pembaris nih..gagagaga..babe, PI cam kite mmg tak leh bagi too suspicious to any one whom may concern...ceh! dah mcm ayat dlm surat dah ni..
Fyza Meor
hahaha..bangang..iskhhh..posa mode,xbole ckp mcmni..tp mcm dh byk je aku ckp ini hari.. ngengeh
Wawa Iskandar
i kah bangang? oki..i bangang..gagagaaga..babe, apakah kta harus naik ke tempat yg nyala lampu tuk eroplen tu di menara kl untuk menjerit dan menangis sambil kite berdua membebel² kepda sesama sendir? apakah?
Fyza Meor
hahaha..nvr say dat ok..bangang itu adalah keadaan,bkn kamu tahu! keadaan jgk yg di-blame kn..ngengeh..
Wawa Iskandar
mari kite menuju ke atsa menara tower..* nak kena bwk safety rope ke pe?

di profile ku plak :

Wawa Iskandar
Wawa Iskandar
hahahahah..sape? i kah yg ilanh kewarasan pikiran ke u? oopps! typo error lagi..ilang la..
Fyza Meor
Fyza Meor
off course lah aku yg hilang..xkn kau pulak..heheh..sila melayan org-yg-hlg-kewarasan-fkrn ini dgn sbr..sedang menyebok kn diri b'fb dgn u sorg ok!hahaha..
Wawa Iskandar
i sorg je? owh..so touched! <-gedix
Fyza Meor
ye la..obvsly org sume pg jln TAR n mall sume soping raye..mgape kamu & aku mngadap lappy di kala ini?heheh
Wawa Iskandar
tu lah pasal..mengapakah kamu menghadap aku yang bergambar sengal dan aku menghadap kamu bergambar bersama species pikachu itu?
Fyza Meor
heh..aku mau m-brownish kn rmbut pendek ku ini tahu..adakah ianya seswai?atau aku akn kelihatan spt aborigine kelak?
tau la henpon cap aym ku itu sudah rosak kamera 2mp nyer..xbole la nk bgambar sengal spt kamu..ngengeh
Wawa Iskandar
hahahah..why dont u try purople..wat layer jer..i loike..hp ku begitu jugak..sengal seperti tuannye..
Fyza Meor
advise yg mcm gampang kamu tahu itu?hahaha
Wawa Iskandar
hahaahahahah..akukah? pakah ini? bulan pose ni
Fyza Meor
sila maapkn aku sekarang..sekarang jgk! heheh
Wawa Iskandar
maap mu diterima..

and the most interesting to discuss bout is :

Fyza Meor mahu meluahkan rasa di hati : kita mmg sentiasa jd perempuan simpanan utk lelaki bangsat kah?sumpah mesti ramai gile org marah aku pasni..hahaha..sila delete!

Wawa Iskandar
lelaki mmg bangsat..sila delete
hahaha..adakah delete itu bmaksud sila post kn komen anda beramai2? ngengeh
Wawa Iskandar
mungkin jua
Fyza Meor
mujur tdk rmai org yg sdg oL d kala ini..hahaha,besok lusa siap la kami..ngengeh
Wawa Iskandar
jadi, off fb utk seari esok
Fyza Meor
xbole..nt aku merindui kamu

menunjukkan how sgt sengal kami ari ni..and sgt disappointednya kami ari ni..

owh...i love u fyza..u're my medicine..opps! ini post tuk kami berdua saje,,hanya kami yg paham ape yag kami paham di sini..bengong!

emo sehari suntuk

i hate everything about u but why do i love u..and i know u hate everything about me but why do u love me too?
i just dont have any passion towards everything about u. fullstop. dont ask me why. just ask me how long can i still hold it. dont ask me how to correct all. just ask me how to get over it. dont ask me why now. just ask me why this happened. dont ask me bout me. just ask about yourself.
im sorry but i cant help it. i cant deny, lie to myself.

Monday, August 24, 2009

happy fasting

happy fasting,everyone.
my determination for this month is to lose some kilos.
WTF! selalu ckp jer kan? jap..today is the 3rd day of puasa and i didnt eat nasi at all..yay! boleh kuwus!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

new place, new faces

finally i've got a job..yes! i am not jobless..and the good thing is im working with government..

new faces,
people here are TWO FACED..saling kutuk mengutuk each other and pretending like they're besties. omg! cant stand it. i cant stand it but i cant help it.

i'm just trying my best to hold my head up high in here so i wont get drown. why women are like that? why? why are they love to kutuk each other but pretending good of friend to each other?

here, as i post my shout on my fb's wall and the reasons why from ellia :

Ellia Raini Roberts
lumrah...you can never win.but if you'd like to see if positively,babe, diorang takkan macam tu if:*you are not that interesting... they don't feel threatened*they aren't in denial that they actually have bigger problems with themselves; that they actually have to gembar-gemburkan other people's flaws-kesimpulannya-*jealousy*their lives are interesting enough to even mention about; let alone TALKING about it!...kan?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

another year has come

happy birthday to me and may i live happily and healthy.

Friday, July 03, 2009

What My Birth Month (July) Says

Wawa Iskandar, You are :

  • Fun to be with
  • Secretive
  • Difficult to fathom and to be understood
  • Quiet unless excited or tensed
  • Takes pride in oneself Has reputation
  • Easily consoled
  • Honest
  • Concerned about people`s feelings
  • Tactful
  • Friendly
  • Approachable
  • Emotional
  • Temperamental and unpredictable
  • Moody and easily hurt
  • Witty and sparkly
  • Not revengeful
  • Forgiving but never forgets
  • Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things
  • Guides others physically and mentally
  • Sensitive and forms impressions carefully
  • Caring and loving
  • Treats others equally
  • Strong sense of sympathy
  • Wary and sharp
  • Judges people through observations
  • Hardworking
  • No difficulties in studying
  • Loves to be alone
  • Always broods about the past and the old friends
  • Likes to be quiet
  • Homely person
  • Waits for friends
  • Never looks for friends
  • Not aggressive unless provoked
  • Prone to having stomach and dieting problems
  • Loves to be loved
  • Easily hurt but takes long to recover

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Most Expensive Shoes Ever Sold

bla bla bla

hari yg bosan

Probably the most expensive pair of shoes in the world was on sale at Harrod’s Department Store in London. Designed by Stuart Weitzman (who did most of the shoes in this group) the price tag for the glitzy pair was a mere $1,600,000!

Inspired by the ruby slippers Judy Garland wore in The Wizard of Oz, these four-and-one-half inch red satin stilettos shoes were woven from platinum thread and set with 642 round and oval rubies totaling 120 carats contributed by jeweler, Oscar Heyman & Bros!

After pictures were taken for the press, the shoes were guarded at all times and placed in a bulletproof case. Originally, these shoes were to be worn at the 2003 Academy awards, but Weitzman cancelled “out of respect for those fighting in Iraq.”

Stuart Weitzman’s $2,000,000 Tanzanite Heels take their place among the world’s most expensive pair of shoes.

In this case, Weitzman teamed up with jeweler, Le Vian, who laboriously matched and cut 185 carats of tanzanite and 28 carats of diamonds to create these startling shoes that were unveiled in Las Vegas last year.

Tied for second place is still another Weitzman masterpiece; Cinderella’s Slippers, which are also for available for a cool $2,000,000 bucks.

These four-and-one-half-inch stiletto heels (must be a favorite number) are set with 595 carats of Kwiat diamonds set in platinum. One shoe has a 5-carat amaretto diamond that is worth one million all by itself! Singer, Allison Krauss wore these spectacular shoes at the 2004 Oscars.

Stuart Weitzman’s Rita Hayworth Open-Toe Stilettos were inspired by a pair of magnificent earrings adorned with rubies, sapphires and diamonds from the estate of late 40’s movie siren, Rita Hayworth. They are worth $3,000,000 and now belong to Hayworth’s daughter, Princess Yasmin Aga Khan.

Two of the most expensive men’s shoes, one with a price tag of $160,000 bucks and the other priced at $50,000 smackeroos, are the Diamond-Encrusted Custom Nikes and the Slippers Worn By An Indian Prince.

The former are a cool pair of sneakers (they better be) purchased by Outkast’s Antwan “Big Boi” Patton. Adorned with 11 carats of chocolate-colored diamonds, they are the creation of Laced Up owner, Ernel Dawkins, and C. Couture boutique owner, Rita Patel.

The latter are a pair of slippers encrusted with rubies and diamonds that date back to the 18th century and were once worn by the Indian prince, Nizam Sikandar Jah of Hyderabad. These slippers were stolen from the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto, Canada back in 2006 and recovered a few days later.

Diamond Dream strappy sandals are a collaboration by shoe designer (you guessed it) Stuart Weitzman and jeweler Kwiat.

The $500,000 dollar stilettos are encrusted with 1,420 brilliant-cut colorless diamonds weighing over 30 carats and set in platinum. Anika Noni Rose, aka “the other one” in Dreamgirls, sported these incredible shoes at the 2007 Oscars.

ruby1 233x300 9 of the Most Expensive Shoes Ever Sold

The Ruby Slippers from The Wizard of Oz is the only pair of shoes among the world’s most expensive that do not burst with the splendor of sparkling precious jewels.

The bows have three large red glass jewels, bugle beads and glass rhinestones in silver settings. While it is believed that seven pairs of shoes were created for the 1939 movie classic, the whereabouts of only four pairs are known.

One pair is in the Smithsonian; another was stolen in 2005 from the Judy Garland Museum and has yet to be recovered. Christies auction house sold the last pair in 2000 for $666,000.

Last but not really least (which is relative anyway) are Weitzman’s Retro Rose Stilettos
with a price tag of a mere $1,000,000.

The two diamond roses fixed to the 1940s style, dusty, gold high heels contain more than 1,800 Kwiat diamonds weighing 100 carats!

Last year Weitzman selected screenwriter, Diablo Cody, to sport these spectacular Retro Rose heels down the Academy Awards red carpet. Initially, she agreed but then reneged after critics questioned her anti-Hollywood beliefs for participating in a glamorous publicity stunt. She opted to wear an unnamed brand instead.

And so my friends, you can look but not touch that which glitters and in this case really is gold.

This lavish roster of nine of the most expensive pairs of shoes ever made for the human foot to slide into represents a rather dubious treasure. Who besides maybe the Queen of Sheba and her King would ever dare to wear them anywhere without a few armed bodyguards flanking each shoe, defying anyone to approach?

credits to : www.shoepaparazzi.com
