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Monday, December 21, 2009

aku cakap aku tak nak la!

aku adalah aku.
engkau biarkan engkau menjadi engkau.
aku tak pernah ingin menjadi engkau.
engkau pun tak perlulah menjadi aku.

aku tetap begini.
engkau tetaplah engkau bagaimana pun seadanya engkau.
aku tak heran dan aku tak peduli.
aku tak ingin dan aku tak de kisah.

biarpun aku hodoh, engkau cantik.
biarpun aku gemuk gedempol, engkau kurus kering.
biarpun aku tak punya ape, engkau kaya gile.
biarpun aku pendek, engkau tinggi lampai.
aku tetap mahu menjadi aku.
aku tak nak menjadi engkau.
kerna aku sudah tau engkau memang manusia tak best.

biarlah aku begini, engkau begitu.
kehidupan aku tak berkisar dengan kehidupan engkau pun.
aku bangga menjadi aku walau aku tidak sempurna.
aku tidak punya ati seperti engkau.
aku tidak perlu berpura-pura menjalani kehidupan.
engkau tentunya tidak bangga menjadi engkau.
kerna engkau punya kehidupan yang penuh plastik.

aku malas berpikir lagi (jam sudah  0447hrs)
engkau pikirlah pasal engkau.
tak perlu engkau pening pikirkan pasal aku lagi.
biarkan hanya aku yang memikirkan pasal aku.

selamat tahun baru walaupun sudah 3 hari berlalu.
tanamkan azam (aku tak pernah punya 1 pun)
pikirlah positif walau diri ditimpa perkara-perkara negatif.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

mari pakai kasut ku

gelisah betul dua tiga menjak ni bila pikir kenapa lah aku tak nampak colors kat pelangi tu.
kadang-kadang sang matahari terpacak pun aku masih terasa gelap.
rasa nak tikam-tikam je diri ini bagi sedar siket yang masa telah lama meninggalkan aku.
time waits for no man. we have to chase after it.

kadang-kadang terpikir gak nape cepat sgt masa berlari?
belum pun puas atau siap menunaikan sesuatu sudah terasa sempit waktunya.
bile ade kelapangan kenapa sering leka?

ish! bile tgk kawan-kawan hati kecil mula rasa jeles mahu seperti mereka.
tapi bile pikir-pikir balik nape kita tak pernah bersyukur atau puas dengan ape yang kita ade?
jadi, tak jadi lah nak jeles kerna mungkin! (diulangi : mungkin) ramai lagi yang jeles dengan ku.
itu satu kebarangkalian.

nape terasa kosong.
seperti ade yang tak cukup.
nape terasa sepi.
seperti ade yang tak cukup menghiburkan.
hidop tak selalunya berwarna-warni.
kadang-kadang pun berwarna itam atau kelabu taik anjing kan?

bila nak tido mesti berpikir ape yang akan jadi di hari esok.
bila bangun tido mesti rasa cam tak puas tido dan mau bermimpi itu lagi.
bila tak boleh tido mesti pikiran celaru pikir itu ini.

macam-macam aku pikir.
pasal idop, pasal mati, pasal kehidupan sekarang dan masa depan.
pasal ko, pasal aku, pasal dia, pasal mereka dan semua.
pasal benda kecik sehingga benda besar seperti masalah negara misalnye.

ish..jiwa ini kacau betol lah.

ko rasa tak ape aku rasa?
kalo ko nak rasa ape aku rasa, marilah pakai kasut ku.


Friday, December 18, 2009

guys should know

is it the world that mean?

life aint easy

what and where should i start?

these past few weeks/months are the most struggle weeks/months of all.
lotsa things had happened to me continuously. neither bad or good.

and the emotions also take part and make things more miserable and perfect enough for me.
then come the lack of professionalism by a particular person.

but the joyous are still there in each single days.
my life wouldn't be complete without laughter, smiles and dont forget the tears.

okie okie..stop the craps.

Chapter 1 
seriously,i cant stand dramas,stalkers and pretenders.
so, please dont pretend to be nice with me today and spit on me face tomorrow. WTF!
im not looking for a friend or anybody like that. its better for me to have none.
we are all grown up (in fact, u're much much older than me) but why we still cant use our tiny brain?

in order to make people love u, care for u, respect u, u should love,care and respect yourself and others too.
i might not be the appropriate person to talk to u bout life but i believe each of us have own experiences .
no matter what the differences experiences we had face, it still helps us to be more mature aite?
i dont think u have much friends in real (except your maya friends).
i also know that u're faking ur life everyday. (look at yourself!!).
i've been nice with u and i never expect that u could do this to me.
i lost my respect onto u.
i also lost my trust in u.
not only me, every bodies feel exact the same.
so, i guess i should stop being so nice with u.

i know im bit nasty and loud after what you've done to me.
im maybe loud but im proud that i am what i am that im not similar to u.
im aware that i shouldnt do that since u dont know how to differentiate between personal and business and u also have the power that u always claim u have and capable to do anything to me that could affects my future.
but,seriously i cant stand it anymore.
u are so damn sarcastic that no one can take it.

they and i are supposedly look up to u,respect u but we're not yet we're afraid.
its u that turn us to treat u this way.
yes, its u! speaks to others and u'll get the same answer.
no one's perfect, i know but they are practicing cos practice make perfect. 
but u?? cakap tak serupa bikin.
stop the lame, fake, stupid dramas, drama queen!
tolong jangan gedik! ko lebih tua dan sebab ko kan nak sgt org respect ko!

paku dulang paku serpih,
cakap orang, ko yang lebih.

keep in your mind that dont ever think that we donno what we supposed to know!
people have eyes, ears, brain and feeling too!

Chapter 2 
i've been snatched bout a month ago. (exactly 2months after i bought that bag)
right here at neighborhood area witnessed by few people but none of them are willing to help me.
my favorite bag putus, ok!
and my b already sent it back to the boutique as i asked and i hope they can fix it.
but they are not sure yet.
and i totally dont care if the bag dah cacat pun i still want to use it!
because  it is purple in color,y'all!!

Chapter 3
 i need a break.
i need a vacation.
i need a holliday.
i need have to get off of here.
i need have to release the tense.
i need have to be away from here.
i need have to be anywhere else but here.
just me and myself. no one else. (but not u)
do u hear me?? get me out from here.
seroiusly these tenses have make me crazy, unthinkable, irrational, less kind at heart!


Tuesday, December 01, 2009


aku tau kamu sudah changed! aku tau..aku tau!