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Sunday, August 10, 2008

are u a gym dropout?

Motivation and determination. Should be firmly in place the moment you decide to put yourselves in any gymnasiums. Why people stay away from gyms (including me)? It is tiring and stressful as they have to rush in to a gym when all they want to do is go home and lie down (believe me, lie down is the great therapy). Time is also another problem. No time for that, no time for this but seriously people seems to have time to party? (party hard). Yoga? yes, yoga is more convenience than go to gym (as yoga can be practic anywhere). Some people join the gym because their friends are doing it (and in their mind, it is the HAPPENING thing to do). If losing weight is the main reason, maybe there are other ways that you can achieve you target.

In article published in Times Online, there are few tips on how to achieve that without without spending any money (gym fees are way to expensive aite?)
* clean the bathtub - 4 calories a minute
* play the air guitar - 3.5 calories a minute
* rake the lawn - 6 calories a minute
* play hopscotch - 7.5 calories a minute
* singing to your fave CD while standing up - 3 calories a minute
* push supermarket trolleys at once when shopping - 8 calories a minute
* decorate a room - 7 calories a minute
* paint balling - 8 calories a minute
* carry a toddler around a shop - 9 calories a minute
* perform jumping jack while watching TV - 11 calories a minute

so, good luck people


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